Dr. Jacob George

Dr. Jacob George

Senior Consultant - Cardiology

Govt. Medical College, Thrissur

M.D. General Medicine
Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer

D.M. Cardiology
Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research

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  •  A case of ASD With Cyanosis In A Child - International Journal Of Sciences & Research April 2015, Volume 4 issue 4 ISSN-2319-7064.
  • LVOT Obstruction In Yound Adult - IOSR Journal Of Dental & Medical Sciences- April 2015; Volume 14, ISSN 2279 - 0861
  • Non Cirrhotic Portal Fibrosis - Medicine Update. Association OF Physicians Of India 20100, Vil. 20; Chapter 7.1
  • Safe MRI Practice For Physicians - Biomedicine An International Journal For Biomedical Sciences. January - March 2010; Volume 12; No 3 And 4, ISSN 0972-1622.


  •  CSICON 2014 Karnataka - Gaint coronary artery saccular aneurysm with stent migration, A hybrid Approach
  • APICON 2010 JAIPUR - Echocardiographic study in cerebral infraction in elderly patients aged above 60 years.
  • RAJ APICON 2009 - A clinical study to find out correlation between serum levels of Homocysteine and Young myocardial infraction